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Why Focusing on Abs Alone is Limiting Your Core Performance

Why Focusing on Abs Alone is Limiting Your Core Performance

The “Core” is a system of muscles that work together to stabilize your trunk, allowing your limbs to move from a stable base. The most important muscles involved are the Abdominals, back muscles (like the Multifidi and Paraspinals,which are deep muscles of the back that help with spinal stability), the Diaphragm (your primary breathing muscle), and the Pelvic Floor muscles (the ones that make up a good portion of your pelvis, that every human has, and are widely known about as it relates to bladder, bowel & sexual health).

For your trunk to provide stability, it relies on pressure—specifically, air flow. This is why, in our view, the abs are not the most interesting part of the core’s function. Yes, they’re necessary, but not as crucial as the Diaphragm and pelvic floor!

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Are you dehydrated? Quite possibly yes.

Are you dehydrated? Quite possibly yes.

How much water we need to drink for our health is a subject of great debate. You’ve likely been told to drink 64 oz., or 8 glasses a day. Maybe you’ve heard to drink when you’re thirsty. To calculate your daily water needs,* divide your weight in pounds by 2. Then drink that amount in ounces, as a minimum. From there, water needs increase with hot or dry weather, exercise, stress, caffeine, alcohol, sauna, high altitude, air travel or anything else that causes you to lose fluids, like diarrhea or vomiting.

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Pilates: A Versatile, Flexible and Fun Form of Movement
Fitness, Holistic Health Marin Fitness, Holistic Health Marin

Pilates: A Versatile, Flexible and Fun Form of Movement

Pilates, named after founder Joseph Pilates, is a form of exercise that’s effective for nearly everyone. The low-impact movements in Pilates strengthen core muscles, build flexibility, stability, and endurance. Although specialized equipment can be used for Pilates such as the Reformer, there are many Pilates mat exercises that can be done on the floor. This makes Pilates a flexible and versatile form of exercise that will help you move well in the studio and at home or traveling. Since Pilates emphasizes whole body movement, core control, and proper alignment, it builds a great foundation for clients that are recovering from an accident or injury and want to resume all the activities they enjoyed before the injury. Pilates for rehab exercises can be adjusted to your comfort level. A critical part of our practice is helping our clients understand their body and movement.

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The Benefits and Joy of Pilates for Seniors

The Benefits and Joy of Pilates for Seniors

As seniors, finding an exercise method that trains whole body movement, balance, and joint mobility is important to avoid falls, maintain strength, and to live with comfort. Pilates for seniors does all of this and more. Get inspired by Joseph Pilates, the founder of the method, who practiced it until his death at 83. You’re never too old to learn something new! Let’s look at why Pilates is a safe and effective exercise for seniors.

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Running Longevity: Building Power for Runners
Fitness, Movement Marin Fitness, Movement Marin

Running Longevity: Building Power for Runners

For many runners, the idea of making it to the gym and lifting weights might seem counterintuitive to their training goals. To many it feels like running should be enough to keep you fit and in shape. While running is a fantastic cardiovascular exercise, incorporating strength training into your routine can take your performance to the next level. In this blog, we will explore the importance of strength training for runners and how it can help you become a more efficient, injury-resistant, and faster athlete.

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Pilates for Men: 6 Reasons Men Should Do Pilates
Fitness, Men's Health, Wellness Marin Fitness, Men's Health, Wellness Marin

Pilates for Men: 6 Reasons Men Should Do Pilates

What do LeBron James, Cristiano Ronaldo, Tiger Woods — and Sylvester Stallone — have in common? They practice Pilates. They are reaping the benefits of Pilates for men, and there’s no time like the present for you to explore a Pilates practice. Benefits of Pilates for men include a full body workout, improves mobility and flexibility, cross training, mental clarity, core control and strength, and improves sleep.

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