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Why Focusing on Abs Alone is Limiting Your Core Performance
The “Core” is a system of muscles that work together to stabilize your trunk, allowing your limbs to move from a stable base. The most important muscles involved are the Abdominals, back muscles (like the Multifidi and Paraspinals,which are deep muscles of the back that help with spinal stability), the Diaphragm (your primary breathing muscle), and the Pelvic Floor muscles (the ones that make up a good portion of your pelvis, that every human has, and are widely known about as it relates to bladder, bowel & sexual health).
For your trunk to provide stability, it relies on pressure—specifically, air flow. This is why, in our view, the abs are not the most interesting part of the core’s function. Yes, they’re necessary, but not as crucial as the Diaphragm and pelvic floor!
What to Expect at Your First Pelvic Floor Therapy Appointment
A good pelvic floor therapist will make you feel comfortable, like you’re chatting with a friend. We spend a lot of time LISTENING. What you say- and how you say it- gives us clues to know how to help. We ask questions about your daily life, what matters to you, and how your symptoms affect what you need & want to do. We won’t lie - pelvic floor therapy is an intimate experience. We ask personal questions because we want to know what will help you get better - what will help you reach your goals. Most other healthcare professionals don’t ask about the details of your bowel and bladder habits, or your sexual experiences, or the way you get in and out of bed. We ask the questions that help us get to the root of your concerns.
The Low-Down on Pelvic Organ Prolapse
Pelvic organ prolapse (POP) is a descent of the vaginal organs that creates a bulge or pressure into the vaginal opening. This occurs due to a weakening of the support structures that hold these organs in place such as the ligaments, health of the vaginal tissue and pelvic floor muscles. The most common types of prolapse are:
Bladder (Cystocele)/Urethra (Cystourethrocele), Rectum (Rectocele), Uterus (Uterine)
5 Tips to Help You Recover From Caesarian (C-Section) Delivery
For anyone who has experienced a caesarean (c-section) delivery, you have also experienced an incision into the abdominal wall. These scars are typically located horizontally above the pubic bone or vertically under your belly button. The incision moves through 6 different layers of the abdominal cavity with stitching performed at the uterus, sometimes rectus abdominis muscle (6-pack muscle) and skin. In the immediate weeks after delivery we can be unsure how to heal the scar and how to take care of your newborn with decreased abdominal strength.
10 Ways Physical Therapy Can Help!
Physical therapy can help you reduce pain, get back to doing what you love, and help you perform at your peak ability. Check out our list of holistic PTs in the Denver area, available to help you virtually or in-person.