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The Benefits and Joy of Pilates for Seniors

The Benefits and Joy of Pilates for Seniors

As seniors, finding an exercise method that trains whole body movement, balance, and joint mobility is important to avoid falls, maintain strength, and to live with comfort. Pilates for seniors does all of this and more. Get inspired by Joseph Pilates, the founder of the method, who practiced it until his death at 83. You’re never too old to learn something new! Let’s look at why Pilates is a safe and effective exercise for seniors.

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Have You Heard of the Blue Zones?

Have You Heard of the Blue Zones?

The concept of Blue Zones, founded by Dan Buettner, started from demographic work by Gianni Pes and Michael Poulain from the Journal of Experimental Gerontology. Pes and Poulain discovered Sardinia to have the highest concentration of male centenarians. Buettner built off this research to find other longevity regions around the world, and those areas became known as Blue Zones. After examining health and lifestyle in each of these regions, the Blue Zones team discovered what has come to be called the Power 9: Natural Movement, Purpose, Dietary Portion Control, Plant Based Diet, Moderate Alcohol (Wine), Relaxation, Belonging, Loved Ones, and Social Circle.

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The Low-Down on Pelvic Organ Prolapse 

The Low-Down on Pelvic Organ Prolapse 

Pelvic organ prolapse (POP) is a descent of the vaginal organs that creates a bulge or pressure into the vaginal opening. This occurs due to a weakening of the support structures that hold these organs in place such as the ligaments, health of the vaginal tissue and pelvic floor muscles. The most common types of prolapse are:

Bladder (Cystocele)/Urethra (Cystourethrocele), Rectum (Rectocele), Uterus (Uterine)

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Seniors’ Guide to Cancer

Seniors’ Guide to Cancer

Seniors are living longer and having to face more challenges than before. A healthy lifestyle can help you deal with aging, protect you from cancer, and keep you at your best.

As average life expectancies increase, older adults are learning more about the cancers and other health risks that might affect them. In fact, age is the most significant risk factor for developing cancer. People 65 and older comprise 60% of all cancer patients.

While age is the primary factor affecting your cancer or treatment, your physical lifestyle, treatment decisions and mental fitness determine your overall health.

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