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Box Breath aka Square Breath for Calm

Box Breath aka Square Breath for Calm

This style of breath, also called a “Square Breath” or a “4x4 Breath,” can be used in moments of stress or anxiety, or simply when you’d like to calm down or relax. You may have heard of Box Breathing due to its use as a part of Navy SEAL training—it’s used by soldiers to reduce stress and improve focus during chaotic moments of combat. Research supports this technique to help regulate your autonomic nervous system and it is correlated with improved sleep quality, decreased blood pressure and heart rate, and decreased symptoms of depression.

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Mindfulness At The Workplace:Why We Need It

Mindfulness At The Workplace:Why We Need It

Mindfulness may seem like a buzzword, however it is on the cusp of becoming a household name. It is a centuries-old idea that has been reinvented to address modern day mental health challenges. So what is mindfulness really? It is a “mental state achieved by focusing one’s awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting one’s feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations, used as a therapeutic and meditation technique.”

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Grounding and Calm During the Holiday Season

Grounding and Calm During the Holiday Season

As we move into the final weeks of 2022 and a holiday season that is in full swing, it can be helpful to support our well-being with practices that allow us to pause, breathe, and connect. Whether you are driving in traffic, checking off the to-do lists, or moving through the busyness of everyday life, these practices will offer you tools to stay grounded and connected this season, and throughout the year ahead! Here are some of my favorite practices to support overall health and well-being.

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Mindfulness and Meditation: What’s the difference?

Mindfulness and Meditation: What’s the difference?

We hear so much about mindfulness and meditation these days. The terms are often used interchangeably. Your doctor may say “you really need to start a mindfulness practice.” Or you see a report on the national news of how great meditation is for you. Seems confusing, doesn’t it? I would like to simplify what meditation and mindfulness mean to me.

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