What’s All the Fuss About Infrared Saunas?

Written by Amy Gray and originally posted on amygraywellness.com.

Have you noticed that your body’s ability to heal slows down a bit, especially during winter and early spring? Or maybe your mood seems to be off sometimes? Don’t worry, you’re not alone, and best of all, there is a perfect detoxifying and invigorating solution for you—infrared saunas! It’s not just any old sauna, and no, it’s definitely not like a tanning bed or sitting in a microwave. This highly effective treatment uses heat and infrared light to give you the immunity and energy boost you’re looking for.

Our friend, the Sun, is the largest producer of infrared wavelengths; although undetectable by the human eye, these incredible waves of invisible light are what allow us to feel the heat of the Sun on Earth. Infrared light from the sun has long been proven to benefit humans, plants, and animals, and now we get to harness it for even further healing and a more targeted response. It can be used to help increase healing and improve mitochondrial, bone, and cognitive health, stimulate calcium production, and greatly assist with the movement of cells in the brain, aiding in healthy brain function, specifically in terms of hormone distribution and long term memory—phew, and that’s just what we know!

Researchers have been studying the benefits of infrared light since as early as 1901, long before most modern medications. In 1995, NASA experimented with infrared light to help promote the growth of plants in space, and their findings went way beyond answering their initial research question. Researchers were successful in their plant growth, but they also found that the astronauts who were exposed to infrared light showed decreased wound healing times due to the increase in fibroblasts—a component in our cells which is deeply involved in skin health. Infrared light therapy helped the astronauts to create healthier and more concentrated fibroblasts which in turn actually boosts other essential skin regeneration processes to give you the healthiest skin imaginable. Low level light therapy has been shown to benefit bone health and deter the possibility of bone diseases such as osteoporosis and arthritis. Not only are you doing your skin a favor with this non-invasive technology, but you are also strengthening your body and preventing life-debilitating diseases.

Living through a global pandemic and the frigid weather we are exposed to during winter, many of us are just not getting the complete benefits of the Sun that our bodies truly need, especially given the fact that most people spend way too much time cooped up indoors where it’s warm and cozy (guilty!). That’s why infrared saunas are perfect for beating the winter and early spring blues or just giving your body the immunity boost it needs. 

Now that you understand what it is and what it can do for you, you’re probably wondering it how it works and what you’ll feel during the treatment. I for one can attest to the fact that it feels like sitting in the most peaceful and cozy cocoon, and I always walk out feeling radiant and refreshed! Infrared saunas use infrared light to create heat, so you’ll sweat just like any other sauna, except this time you’ll gain amplified health benefits for your mind and body!

Although our eyes cannot detect the rays of infrared, the benefits to our bodies are undeniable; this natural all-around beneficial remedy may help improve your quality of life and deter major ailments. That being said, we owe it to ourselves to try this relaxing, inexpensive, and physiologically enriching treatment—because you have nothing to lose and everything to gain!  Come see us for some self-care!



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