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Benefits of Psilocybin Assisted Therapy

Benefits of Psilocybin Assisted Therapy

Psilocybin is a psychoactive compound found in certain mushrooms, often called “magic mushrooms.” There is growing interest in its potential therapeutic benefits, including its impact on the brain’s neuroplasticity. Emerging research indicates that psilocybin enhances the brain’s connectivity, which supports the establishment of new neural pathways. Such pathways allow for different regions of the brain to communicate more effectively, yielding greater adaptability and flexibility of thought.

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Phases of Psychedelic Therapy

Phases of Psychedelic Therapy

Psychedelic experiences often bring greater insight to how an individual has been showing up in their life that often inspires change and growth. Integrative psychedelic therapy supports this journey for each individual in a way that helps them feel connected through the process. While each psychedelic medicine has its own unique experience, a common effect is how each can soften emotions and emotional reactivity. In this way, the therapist is able to access and help patients process difficult experiences they have felt stuck in.

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