This is a monthly virtual meeting for DHHC members. Each month, a member will present on a topic in their wheelhouse, sharing their expertise with the group. Past conversations have included case studies, experiential sharing, and roundtable discussions around a topic, all followed by Q&A and organic conversation. Build collaborative relationships, grow your referral network, and learn about adjacent practitioners!
Join us this month as Megan DeWalt, RDH, OMT presents about Myofunctional Therapy. Myofunctional therapy treats mouth breathing, snoring, poor sleep quality, obstructive sleep apnea, clenching/grinding, chronic congestion, acid reflux, swallowing concerns, orthodontic relapse/halt of orthodontic progress, speech concerns, tongue-tie, neck/shoulder tension and temporomandibular joint (TMJ) concerns.
Find Megan’s website here:
Contact Marin for more information.