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Immune Health Supplements and Botanicals
What supplements can help keep your immune system at its peak this winter? There is not one magic thing that will stop a cold in its tracks or ward off viruses but there are several nutraceuticals and botanicals that have good evidence for use to help modulate the immune response. These are some of my favorites and things I keep handy for me and my family during cold and flu season when we tend to be more proactive on the supplement front. As always, it is vitally important that you work with a trained practitioner to know if these are safe for you to take with respect to your health history and current medications.

What is Holistic Healthcare? 4 Reasons to Go Holistic
The word holistic gets tossed around quite a bit in the world of health and wellness. You might also see the words integrative and functional used the same way. So what do they all mean? Holistic healthcare is an approach that sees your health as multidimensional and believes that the physical, mental, emotional, social, and spiritual aspects of you should all be taken into account; holistic healthcare treats the whole person.