Rhae Majerowski, DC, CACCP

Services offered:

Chiropractic care including Diversified, Thompson Drop, Flexion-Distraction, and Webster techniques; electrical stimulation; Trigger Point Dry Needling; and Rehabilitative Exercises

Rhae is a chiropractor, practicing chiropractic for over 16 years. In her practice, Rhae specializes in chiropractic care for the entire family. Her passion is helping people to achieve happier and healthier lives through chiropractic care and helping people accomplish this at all stages of life. She is trained in manual adjusting, dry needling and specialized chiropractic care regarding pregnancy and the pediatric patient.

In addition to her Doctor of Chiropractic degree, she has taken extra training in pediatric and perinatal care through the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association (ICPA). The two certifications that she has attained through this educational program are the Webster Technique and the CACCP (Certified by the Academy Council on Chiropractic Pediatrics). The Webster Technique is a chiropractic technique that can be utilized during pregnancy. This is a specific type of analysis and adjustment used to correct biomechanical function in the pelvis and restore normal nervous system function in preparation for labor and delivery. The CACCP certification includes specific chiropractic adjusting techniques, evaluation and assessment of different stages of development: from pregnancy, birth, infancy and throughout childhood.

To enhance her care of the pregnancy chiropractic patient, Rhae earned her certification as a BIRTHFIT professional. Her knowledge base with this certification allows her to help women during pregnancy and postpartum to regain and restrengthen their core.